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Past Events
Creativity with AI (&Totes!)
Invisible Women Book Club
Fall General Assembly Meeting
Welcome Back Picnic
Axe Throwing End of Year Celebration
Intro to R Coding Workshop
Spring General Assembly Meeting
Galentine’s Paper Flower Making Event
Coworking Event
Networking Workshop
Photobooth Professional Headshot Event
Winter Craft Social
Halloween Craft Night
Fall General Assembly Meeting
Rittenhouse Farmer’s Market Hangout with Games, 10/07/2023
Professional Power Hour
Grad Fest
General Assembly Meeting
Rittenhouse Meet-up, 8/27/22
BGS Student Orientation 8/16/22
Women in STEM at Penn, Inter-institution Summer Research Symposium 6/3/22
PGWISE, LTBGS and PSPDG Guest Speaker, NPR’s Dr. Maddie Sofia, hybrid event 5/5/22
Earth Day Spruce Tree Seedling Kit Give-away 4/22/22
General Assembly meeting and Ice Cream Social 4/21/22
IDEAL Affinity Group Mixer 4/1/22
Volunteer mentorship with high school students sponsored by Pupil
Spring Happy Hour at City Tap 3/24/22
Graduate Student Group Fair 3/4/22 and 3/18/22
Professional Power Hour with Penn Alumni, Caroline Davis and Julianne Davis
Volunteer City Clean-up with
General Assembly Meeting 1/19/22
General Assembly Meeting 9/15/21
Rittenhouse Farmers’ Market Meet-Up
New Student Orientation August 2021 and Graduate Group Fair
June 30th | Make your own candle kit and virtual social hour
Feb. 16th | Career Networking Workshop & Raffle with Dr. Joseph Barber
Jan 16th | Networking Workshop with Dr. Joseph Barber
Jan 24th | Lattes with the Ladies with Dr. Jacqueline Perrigoue
August 27th | Virtual Happy Hour and Pictionary via Drawasaurus
September 18th | Bristol Meyers Squibb Outreach Event
October 28th - 30th | Picture a Scientist Movie Screening
November 2nd | Picture a Scientist Discussion Panel
December 10th | Lattes with the Ladies with Dr. Ruth Sommese
Women in STEM in the Middle East.
November 31st | PGWISE@ All Access Party in collaboration with GAPSA IDEAL Council
October 23rd | LWL Dr. Heather Steinman, M.B.A, Technology Transfer
September 27th | LWL Dr. Laura Roman, Government (USDA), 9-10am
September 10th | Career Development Workshop, PGWISE and Pharm4GOOD, 2-5pm Smilow. View flier here.
September 9th | PGWISE@ Gradfest
August 23rd | PGWISE@BGS Orientation
July 19th | Migrant Worker Education Carnival, Southwark Elementary School, 9am-3pm
May 24th | Puppy therapy with PGWISE, 5-7pm Vet school courtyard
May 11th | Dr. Nunez: Leaky pipeline or unanswered doorbell: Strategies for better science and healthcare, EE Just, 4-7pm BRB
May 1st | Negotiation Basics, SACNAS, 12-1pm Blockley. View flier here.
April 27th | Dr. Maryam Zaringhalam: AAAS fellow, ArtLab blog creator, Science Soapbox Founder; PSPDG, 12-1pm
April 25th | Lunch with Dr. Megan Vodzak, Research specialist for Smithsonian’s Global Health Program, 12-1pm BRB
April 21st | PGWISE@ Science in the Park, Clark Park 12-4pm
April 12th | PGWISE Career panel and reception, 4-7pm Smilow, View flier here.
April 3rd | LWL Dr. Beau Wangtrakuldee, Consulting
March 29th | Women of Color in Academia (GSE, BGS, SAS and BGWA), 6-8pm Houston Hall
March 19th | LWL Dr. Brooke LaFlamme, Science Writing
March 1st | Sexual Harassment Workshop BGS Students, BRB
February 28th | PGWISE Franklin Institute Science Workshop
February 23rd | PGWISE@ BGS recruitment
February 9th | Dr. Moon Duchin: Math as a tool to address voting rights. Interdisciplinary Lecture, Penn Women's Law Association, Diversity and Inclusion in Physics, Penn Science Policy Group
February 2nd | PGWISE@BGS Recruitment, 3:45-4:45pm CRB
January 19th | PGWISE@BGS Recruitment, 3:45-4:45pm CRB
December 15th | PGWISE First Annual Holiday Fundraiser: $778 raised for the Coalition Against Hunger
December 13th | EAGR, PGWISE, and Pharm4Good at the Franklin Insitute
December 8th | Diversity in STEM lecture and happy hour
November 13th | PopTalks
November 13th | LWL, Dr. Lauren Brady, Careers in Industry
November 10th | IDEAL ALL Access
October 17th | PGWISE@ GradFest
September 18th | PGWISE GA meeting
August 28th | PGWISE@ BGS Orientation
August 24th | PGWISE Board end-of-the-year dinner
August 23rd | PGWISE@ SAS Biology Orientation
July 27th | Migrant Worker Education Carnival
June 12th | Science on Tap in collaboration with the Chemical Heritage Foundation
June 6th | EE Just and PGWISE end of the year BBQ
May 9th | All Access Summer Party IDEAL Council
May 3rd | Dr. Anne Aubry Bristol-Meyers Squibb: Careers in Industry
April 22nd | PGWISE@ Science March on Washington and Philly March for Science
April 21st | Lunch with Astronaut Dr. Kate Rubins
April 20th | LWL Careers in Academic Dr. Nancy Emery
April 19th | March for Science Poster Making (EE Just and PGWISE)
April 8th | Stand Up for Science Concert and Fundraiser (EE Just)
March 31st | PBG: Women in Consulting
March 22nd | Implicit Bias Teach In, EE Just and SACNAS
March 14th | Pi Day Party with SEA and EE Just
March 3rd | LWL Dr. Danni Figueroa, MERCK, Careers in Industry
March 1st | LWL Dr. Jan Burkhardt, Careers in Teaching PennPORT Fellowship
February 21st | Peter Fiske, Ph.D. "Put your Ph.D. to WORK!" Talk and Lunch
February 7th | PGWISE and WIC: Write Your Rep
January 21st | PGWISE@ Women's March on Washington, Washington Mall
December 13th | LWL Sarah Low, Government Careers
December 7th | Negotiation Workshop, AWE and Career Services
December 7th | EAGR Workshop: Women in Science@ the Franklin Institute
December 1st | LWL Dr. Maria Tahamont, Careers in Teaching
November 29th | POP Talks, WIC, BGSA, GAPSA, GSEG
November 18th | Biomedical Careers Speaker Series: Dr. Natalie Henkhaus
November 18th | LWL Dr. Carrie McMahon, Careers in Government
November 4th | LWL Dr. Jessica Herzstein
October 20th | Combating Presentation Anxiety with Dr. Sue Weber
September 29th | Dr. Wendy Henderson, "Careers for Women at the NIH"
September 13th | PGWISE@ GradFest
September 12th | PGWISE@ Women in Chemistry Outreach Carnival
September 9th | Happy Hour@ Spruce Street Harbor Park
September 7th | PGWISE GA Meeting
August 29th | PGWISE@ BGS Convocation
August 25th | PGWISE@ SAS Biology Convocation
July 28 | PGWISE Migrant Worker Education Program Summer Science Carnival (view press release here)
July 15 | End of Year Board Party
April 7 | Spring Career Panel and Happy Hour
March 7 | LWL Dr. Lara Roman, U.S. Forest Service
March 2 | LWL Dr. Kelly Orlando, Assistant Professor
February 4 | Joanne Kammens, Executive Director of Addgene
February 4 | LWL Laura Conway, Genetic Counselor
February 4 | LWL Wenny Lin, Genentech
January 12 | LWL Dr. Sarah Low, U.S. Forrest Service
December 15 | Moelis Access In-Lab Day, Dr. Katy Wellen's Lab
December 11 | De-Stress Event
December 3 | Penn Science Pop Talks
December 2 | LWL Dr. Heather Steinman, CEO of Wistar Tech Transfer
November 20 | LWL Dr. Marielena Mata, GSK
November 18 | Workshop Series: Dr. Doris Wagner and Data Presentation
November 12 | Workshop Series: Dr. Sue Weber and Confident Talks
November 5 | GA Meeting
November 5 | Moelis Access Science Day
October 29 | LWL Dr. Rochelle Chaiken, Pfizer
October 28 | LWL Dr. Simara Telesford, Ursinus College
October 21 | Gender Equality Panel
October 16 | Dr. Cathy Campbell, CRDF Global
October 15 | Ladder 15 Happy Hour
October 15 | LWL Dr. Holly Koblish, Incyte
October 12 | LWL Kerri Pomykala, First Quality Products
October 9 | LWL Dr. Maria Tahamont, Rowan
October 8 | C.V. Writing Workshop
September 23 | GradFest 2015
September 3rd | GA Meeting
August 25 | BGS Convocation
August 12 | GA Meeting
July 24 | Executive Board Meeting
June 30 | End-of-the-Year Dinner at Honest Tom's in University City
April 17 | Executive Board Elections
March 21 | 8th Annual Alumni-Student Luncheon
April 19 | 7th Annual Alumni-Student Luncheon
May 8 | End-of-the-year Dinner at Han Dynasty in University City
April 13 | 6th Annual Student-Alumni Luncheon
February 7 | Miss Interpretation Screening, hosted by PGWISE and AWE
January 30 | Welcome Back Happy Hour at City Tap House
Mar. 25 | 5th Annual Student-Alumni Luncheon
Feb. 24 | Post-Doctoral fellows Panel Discussion
Dec. 8 | MidAtlantic Restaurant Happy Hour
Nov. 29 | Career Services Networking Workshop
Oct. 5 | Dessert Social
Aug 17 | BBQ
July 20 | Ice-Cream Social
April 26 | Elections
March 26 | 4th Annual Student-Alumni Luncheon
February 23 | Happy Hour
February 11 | Lunch Meeting
January 21 | Lunch Meeting
November 16 | Lunch Meeting
October 19 | Lunch Meeting
September 29 | Welcome Reception
September 21 | First Lunch Meeting
August 26 | Ice-Cream Social
July 29 | Cookout
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